Words that Changed the World
The Bible Society of Egypt had published the Sermon on the Mount in various forms over the years. Usually they were text-only publications with a slight overlay of graphics. When I began working on a new version of this publication, an early decision was to produce it in a gift book format with graphics having a dominant [...]
Sunday Gospel Readings
Sunday Gospel Readings is a series of three books using what is known as Lectio Divina; a way to meet with God through reflection and prayer based on Scripture. It dates back to early church fathers around 300AD. There are four stages to this method: Lectio: This is reading the primary Scripture text thoughtfully and prayerfully. Meditatio: This is [...]
bibles4egypt is an organization established to represent the Bible Society of Egypt in the US. This final solution uses a stylized Bible as the sail for a traditional pharaonic boat, as depicted on ancient tomb paintings.
Reach for the Third Third
This was an illustration drawn for an article I wrote for a short-lived UBS e-publication called Creativity & Design. If you would like to read the article, click here. The title comes from the idea that creativity means pushing past obvious solutions. These are the ones everyone else comes up with. We push past these to the next [...]
Take Another Look!
This was a series first published in German by the German Bible Society. When the United Bible Societies published the English editions, I was asked to design the covers. The goal was to package the Scriptures into trade paperbacks similar to those found in airport bookstores. One challenge in this project is that the main titles were changed after [...]
Capetown Bookfair
The most challenging type of graphic design is visual identity. Symbols need to be simple, because they will be reproduced in small sizes and on a variety of surfaces. They also need to immediately communicate the message or essence of an event, organization or company. The designer has relatively little to work with, except for form, color and [...]
Thai Sports Gospel of Mark
Designing in the Thai language was a new experience. Since it was for Thailand, the main figure needed to look Asian. Since it was for a special distribution during a sporting event, the graphic treatment needed to show movement, achieved through the slant of the title, the linear pattern and the horizontal distortion in the image. When designing [...]
Balloon Adventures
This was the adaptation of an American Vacation Bible School program into Arabic. The main title says, "Balloon Adventure." The subtitle says, "The Power of Faith in the Life of the Children of God." The design challenge was to develop custom letterforms for the title. The Arabic language uses a series of dots, both above and below the [...]
You’re Not Alone
You're Not Alone was a 32-page booklet I was asked to write, illustrate and design for Bible societies in the Caribbean. It was also published by the Bible Society of Australia. This was written and designed for children from broken homes, under the following headings: So It's Happened No One Understands Me It's My Fault I Feel Abandoned [...]